Saturday, July 1, 2017

Activity Day Lesson- Candy Land Article's of Faith Game

One of the things that I struggle with in trying to teach my girls is the articles of faith! I remember when I was in "achievement day" many years ago and felt like our leader just drilled them into our heads and we just practiced them over and over. Effective but super un-fun! So I try to think of fun games to help the girls learn their articles of faith. I used an old card board box and cut out colorful squares about 2 x 2 inches using construction paper and made a path on the cardboard to create the candy land game board. I then printed and cut out some candy land pictures and pasted them all over so that it brought in the "candy land" element. 
I also used 2 paper plates to create a color spin wheel to determine how each pawn will move up on the game board. I controlled the spinner which sped up the game and kept it moving and ultimately kept their attention. I then made all of these article of faith trivia cards that the girls had to answer correctly to move their pawn. If you have a small group, you could let them each play the game. We have a very large group, so we broke them into two teams and then each turn there was one "designated" spokes person every one taking turns. I didn't do this on purpose but it ended up being a really cool experience to watch the girls who knew the articles of faith whisper it to the "spokes person" who then had to recite it to me in order to answer correctly. While it would have been easy to just let the girls who have all their articles of faith memorized just answer every time for their group, it would would have lost the other girls' attention and wouldn't have taught anyone anything. This way the girls who weren't as well versed with their articles of faith had a chance to hear them and repeat them back and actually learn bits and pieces of them! 
Our activity lasts just and hour and this game really went well with our group of 15-20 girls! I felt like everyone was able to actively participate even if they weren't confident in their memorization which was great! It was also fun and bonus the cards we used could easily be used for many different games!! At the end of the lesson I had nearly every girl pass of an article of faith as well! 

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